What is ‘manifesting’?

Manifesting is the art and ability of intentionally creating what you want using a distinct method, similar to using a recipe to make a cake. If you want to be successful, you have to follow all of the steps exactly. As a society and individuals, we were taught that we can achieve anything we want, that the power to manifest lies within each of us. It seems to us that a major component is missing. Human beings are innate creator beings. For this reason, many people talk about manifesting and creating the life, career and relationship they want, but they do not have the most effective formula for creation. This is where Laser Beam Manifesting comes in. The company’s purpose is to focus on teaching people how to manifest their heart’s desire in a simple and fun way using tools that provide simple instructions and including action-based props. We can assist individuals and businesses to create and develop their manifesting skill set by providing them with our manifesting products.


About Our Manifesting Oil System